Eating Disorder Prevention Program

Body Image And Mindful Eating Program for Adolescents

Diane McGeachy

Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
Accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist
Hobart, Tasmania

About this program

The Body Image & Mindful Eating program works with teenagers to support them in achieving a healthy relationship with food and to accept themselves and their bodies in their natural form. The central focus of the program is for participants to feel heard and understood in their struggles around body image and food. The facilitators focus on balancing two aspects; introducing practical skills around mindful eating, and experiential exercises that foster participant’s reflection on their past, present and future. It aims to encourage participants to develop a long-term, sustainable and healthy relationship with food, by concentrating on the underlying reasons of why you eat – rather that what you eat.

Who this program is designed for

The program was designed for females between the ages of 13 and 18 who would benefit from an improved body image, increased self-awareness and understanding, improved confidence, and a healthier and sustainable relationship with food. This program is a preventative program to introduce healthy ways of thinking and feeling about one’s body in order to decrease the likelihood of developing an eating disorder.

How this program works

The program will run over eight consecutive weeks, with each session lasting 90 minutes.

Sessions will take place in small group settings (maximum 8 people) in a warm and welcoming environment.

The program will introduce a new topic each week, with relevant experiential activities for the participants, and will also include a significant portion of each session for open discussion among the group.

Topics that will be introduced include:

  • What is body image
  • Understanding the different reasons why you eat
  • Social media and advertising and the impact it has
  • Why dieting is harmful to your body
  • Mindful eating exercises
  • Increasing awareness about one’s thoughts and beliefs about their own body
  • Identifying what healthy eating is and how to have a balanced relationship with food

Program Benefits

Participants will be able to explore their relationship with food and gain awareness and self-confidence, whilst improving their overall health and quality of life.

More information

For more information on body image and mindful eating, or for more information about the group facilitators, please refer to the following articles written by our experienced practitioners – Body Image and Mindful Eating and Eating Disorders in Children.

Diane McGeachy
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist
Accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist

Phone: (03) 6285 8592

Hobart Counselling Centre
Level 1,
181 Elizabeth Street Hobart TAS 7000

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